Formed in 2020, the Rico Land Collaborative is a 501c3 non-project organization. We strive to preserve, protect, and steward the lands around Rico, Colorado in alignment with community values and a sustainable future for our remote mountain community.
Rico Geothermal Coalition
With three ground level hot springs, it's obvious that Rico is a "hotbed" for geothermal activity. RLC is currently playing a supporting role for the recently reinvigorated Rico Geothermal coalition. Focused on utilizing "the most consistent" renewable resource for community benefit, the Rico Geothermal Coalition is hard at work studying the potential for geothermal usage for district heating, greenhouse heating, and possibly even energy generation.
Rico Community Garden
Rico's remote location requires residents to drive 30+ miles to the closest grocery store. By developing local community garden opportunities residents will have more ownership and connection with seasonal eating, high altitude gardening and will also help to create more resilient access to healthy, organic foods.
Rico Public Land Initiative
Historical mining claims around Rico create a patchwork of private land making legal access to recreational opportunities on USFS public lands challenging. RLC is working closely with Montezuma Land Conservancy and Trust for Public Lands to develop a plan to improve this public private interface.